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The Mission Study Bible, King James Version

grau-blaues Kunstleder mit Schachtel (Sapphire/Silver Edition)

Produktinformationen "The Mission Study Bible, King James Version"
Englische Studienbibel mit Kommentaren von Ellen G. White aus 63 Büchern! Diese King James Version in grosser Schrift und Silberschnitt enthält ausserdem Einleitungen zu den biblischen Büchern, Parallelstellen, eine Konkordanz, ein Verzeichnis von Bibelstellen, zu denen es Erwähnungen in den Schriften von Ellen White gibt, Evangelienharmonie, 12 Bibelstunden, die Zeit zwischen den Testamenten, Zeittafeln und Diagramme, farbige Landkarten und die Worte Jesu in roter Schrift.

- King James Version.
- Ultra Durable Cover - A soft touch ultra-durable smooth, black cover allows for flexibility as well as durability.
- Upgraded Binding - a Smith Sewn binding - the highest quality book binding available.
- Gold Edge.
- 3 Marker Double Satin Glossy Ribbons - Never lose your place again.
- Large Print - The Mission Study Bible features a larger print on not only the Bible text but also on the commentary.
- Printed in Full Color
- Text References - Many verses have references to other verses to point you to other relevant verses.
- Words of Christ in Red
- Introduction to Each Book - Title, Authorship, Historical Setting, Theme, and an Outline
- Know the background and context of each book before you study.
- Commentary by Ellen G. White - This Bible is saturated with additional commentary by Ellen G. White from 63 books!
- Additional Maps Explaining a Specific Prophet's Ministry
- Additional Footnotes and Explanations - Further explanations are given in the shaded blue blocks at the bottom of the pages.
- The Historic Period Between the Old and the New Testament - Covering the period of 400 years between the two testaments, this 20-page, historic account with maps and diagrams, leads up to the time of the first advent of Christ.
- Fourfold Gospel Narrative - This narrative places each of the four gospels in context.
Harmony of the Gospels - A comprehensive listing of each incident in the life of Christ is placed in chronological sequence to allow for a better understanding of how the gospels harmonize.
- Parables and Their Interpretation - Each parable of Christ is listed with its harmony entry and the principles which Jesus wished to illustrate.
- Miracles and the Purpose of the Miracles - Each miracle of Jesus is listed with its harmony entry and gives the principles illustrated by the miracle.
- 13 Full-Colour Maps Illustrating the Life and Ministry of Jesus - Follow Jesus from His birth through His ministry ending in Jerusalem.
- 10 Full-Colour Charts Illustrating the Time Lines of the Various Phases of the Ministry of Jesus
- Basic Bible Studies, 12 Topics with Various Study Subheadings - Always have studies available should you be asked to explain the reason for the hope you have.
80 Page Concordance - One of the largest concordances ever in an easy-to-carry Bible.
- Scripture Index to the Writings of Ellen G White - For further study of the writings of Ellen G White additional book references are given to help you gain more insights into texts in the Bible.
- Chronological Tables & Charts - Detailed information on so many aspects of our Christian faith.
- Tables of Weights and Measures - Understand the terms for weights and measures.
Hebrew Months, Festivals, and Seasons.
- Outline of the Sanctuary Service - Get to know the Sanctuary and its services to better understand Christ’s ministry on our behalf.
- 26 Full-Colour Maps from the Exodus to the Diaspora in the First Century.
- Acid-Free pH 8.9 European Paper for a more enjoyable reading experience
Verlag / Lieferant: Oklahoma Academy Publishing
Seiten: 1924
Auflage: 2018
Format: Kunstleder mit Schachtel, Silberschnitt
Produktnummer: 2541623

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