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Holy Bible, New King James Version

Produktinformationen "Holy Bible, New King James Version"
The NKJV Outreach Bible is ideal for ministries and churches who want to share the Gospel with those interested in God’s Word and Christianity. Features such as charts, maps, a plan of salvation, reading plan, and overviews of the major part of the Bible, make it easy for first-time Bible readers to understand Scripture. This easy-to-share and affordable Bible can be used as a gift to new or non-believers, on outreach events, or mission trips. *Complete text of the New King James Version*Bible section introductions with maps*Getting to Know God*ABCs of Salvation*Life in New Testament Times*30 Days with Jesus reading plan*Ministry, Miracles, and Parables of Jesus*Easy-to-read, 8-point type
Verlag / Lieferant: Livre et plus Diffusion (Buch und mehr Auslieferung)
ISBN/EAN: 9780718097295
Seiten: 864
Format: Softcover
Maße: 14 cm x 21 cm
Produktnummer: 2542053

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